Released in 2019, Ardbeg's Traigh Bhan is a 19 year old expression named after the local Traigh Bhan beach on Islay, sometimes known as the Singing Sands. The first core expression from Ardbeg in 20 y... Read more
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Name | Ardbeg Traigh Bhan 19 Year Old |
Brand | Ardbeg |
Average Price | ₪2099.00 |
Type | Scotch Whisky |
Region | Islay Whisky |
Volume | 750ml |
Country of Origin | Scotland |
Created On CasKompare | 03-20-2022 |
Released in 2019, Ardbeg's Traigh Bhan is a 19 year old expression named after the local Traigh Bhan beach on Islay, sometimes known as the Singing Sands. The first core expression from Ardbeg in 20 years to be released with an age statement, this is an impressive dram that captures the character of the coastline brilliantly. It was drawn from a combination of American oak and Oloroso sherry casks, and has been bottled at 46.2% ABV.~ Master of Malt
Order Now: Experience the smooth taste and rich aroma of Ardbeg Scotch Whisky by ordering your 750ml bottle today This premium whisky is the perfect addition to any collection or for sharing with friends. Order now.